INDOT Contract R-39905

Salem, Indiana

Project Overview Map

SR 56 Reconstruction (0.09 Mile East of SR 60 to 0.08 Mile East of SR 135)

Des. No. 1600873

This project is full reconstruction of SR 56.  The existing pavement will be removed, subgrade compacted to required density, and new pavement bordered by curb and gutter will be constructed.  Sidewalk construction and ADA ramps will be provided for a portion of the roadway, with the remaining sections of roadway being constructed compatible for future sidewalk construction.

A center turn lane will be constructed between just west of Tarr Avenue to Cox Ferry Road.

Maintenance of Traffic:  SR 56 will be closed to through traffic.  The Contractor will be constructing SR 56 in sections so that access to homes and businesses will remain.

The estimated cost of this project is $7,000,000.

SR 135 Resurfacing (SR 56 to 0.72 Mile North of SR 56)

Des. No. 1600875

This project will be milling 1.5” of the existing HMA off the roadway and putting back 1.5” of new HMA.  Curb repair, storm drainage improvements are not part of this project.

This resurfacing work will be done while traffic is maintained on SR 135 by flagmen.

The estimated cost of this project is $500,000.

SR 56 Bridge Replacement over Brock Creek

Des. No. 1700168

The new SR 56 bridge over Brock Creek is proposed to be a 2-span (46’-9”, 46’-9”) haunched, reinforced concrete slab structure that will match the existing in total length.  A minor profile grade raise will occur at the structure to satisfy the hydraulic & geometric requirements. The typical roadway section at the bridge will consist of two-12’ travel lanes with a 2’-1″ minimum curb offset (north side), a 4’-1″ minimum shoulder (south side), and a 6’-8” sidewalk along the north side.  The proposed bridge railing is a PS type along the north side and a PF type along the south side. The PS & PF railings are open tube type railings that will provide a view up and down the stream.  The proposed clear roadway width will be 31’-4” and the total out-to-out bridge width will be 40′-0”.

SR 56 will be closed to traffic at the bridge.

The estimated cost of this project is $1,225,500.

Additional Documents

FHWA Acquisition Booklet

Environmental Document

Project Schedule

Project ScheduleAnticipated Date
R/W Purchasing CompleteMay 2021
Plans and Document CompleteMay 2021
INDOT Bid DateDecember 8, 2021
Contractor AwardDecember 28, 2021
Utility Relocation BeginsJanuary 2022
Road Construction BeginsMarch 2022
Road Construction EndsNovember 2023


Roadway Designer

Greg Wendling

USI Consultants, Inc.

(317) 544-4996

Contact if your question/concern is about the construction plans

Right-of-Way Buying Manager

Ron Francis

Butler, Fairman, & Seufert, Inc.

(317) 713-4615

Contact for questions/concerns regarding purchasing of your property for this project

INDOT Customer Service